Navigating Carts


In Remine, a Cart is simply a collection of properties. It can be a group of properties that you would like to export or a geographic farm of properties that you're particularly interested in keeping tabs on. 

Navigating within the Carts page

Once in the Carts page, you can perform various tasks such as adding, removing or duplicating a Cart, as well as managing the columns that appear in the table. 

Action Icons and Demonstration
Create a Cart

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  1. Click the mceclip1.pngicon in the top of the Carts page
  2. In the Cart Name section, enter a name for the Cart
  3. Click the Create Cart button to save the Cart
Rename a Cart

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  1. Click the down arrow next to the Cart name and select Rename
  2. Enter the new name of the Cart
  3. Click the mceclip2.png icon to save the name. Click the mceclip3.png icon to cancel the update.

Delete a Cart



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  1. Click the down arrow next to the Cart name and select Delete
  2. In the popup window, type DELETE in all caps
  3. Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion of the cart

    Note: Once a Cart is deleted, it cannot be undone. You do have the option to recreate the Cart.

Duplicate a Cart

You may want to duplicate a Cart if you would like to share similar properties with multiple clients. 

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  1. Click the down arrow next to the Cart name and select Duplicate
  2. In the popup window, name your new cart
  3. Click Duplicate Cart and you will see the new cart appear on the left cart list
Manage Columns in Carts

You may choose to rearrange the column order if you would like to see DOM before Listing ID or have a preference of how you would like to see the data in the Carts page. 

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  1. Click Manage Columns in the top, right-hand corner
  2. In the section on the left, click the mceclip1.png icon to add that column to the table in the Carts page
  3. In the section on the right, click the mceclip4.png icon to remove that column from the table in the Carts page

    Note: The Address and City columns cannot be removed.

    Click the mceclip5.png icon to drag and drop and change the order of how you would like the columns to appear in the Carts page

    Click Save to save the selection. Click the mceclip3.png icon in the top, right-hand corner to Cancel your changes

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