How To Manage My Account Using Remine Mobile Settings


The Profile tab displays your past and present listings, based on your current MLS ID. Because Remine is a Single sign-on (SSO) application, your profile is auto-populated with your MLS details.

If you want to add a preferred email or phone number, tap Edit. Your MLS details will remain your login credentials, but your preferred contact information will indicate where we can contact you to communicate feature updates and provide support.

Tap the Gear.jpg button to view the Settings page to view additional settings and specifications. 



On the Settings page, you can adjust the following Remine Mobile settings:

Setting Description
My Account
Current Plan Displays your current plan level. You cannot modify your plan or payment methods in Remine Mobile. If you want to make changes to your plan or payment methods, see the Plans or Manage payment methods articles for instructions to do so on Remine Desktop.
Sign Out Logs you out of Remine Mobile. When you log back in, you'll have to follow the steps in the Accessing the Moblie App article.
System Settings
Permissions Opens your mobile application settings, so you can modify the Remine Mobile location, notification, and data settings.
Manage Notifications Set your frequency for Property notifications, including deed changes, listing status updates, and mortgage updates. 
Get Support Opens the Remine Support Center (where you are now), where you can find articles, videos, and release notes about Remine Desktop and Mobile.
Give Feedback Opens a ticket submission form where you can report bugs, data issues, or feedback.
App Version Displays your currently downloaded version of Remine Mobile.
About Remine Opens a page with some information about Remine and our founders.
Privacy Policy Displays the Remine Inc. Privacy Policy, which describes how we use and protect your data.
Terms of Service Displays the Remine Inc. Terms of Service, which describes the rules and regulations that you agree to by using Remine Mobile.
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