How to Use a Package


The features outlined here are currently available to MLS' that are partnered with our Docs+ platform.


Packages can be used time and time again to create a collection of forms and documents to use for your transactions. To use a document Package: 

  1. Create a new transaction, select which side of the transaction you are representing, add in the client(s) information and click 'Next'.   
  2. 2020-01-17_11-31-53.pngScreen_Shot_2022-10-13_at_2.51.01_PM.png                       
  3. In the Create a Form popup box that appears, select the Document Package you plan on using (you can deselect any forms you may not want to include for this transaction) 
  4. Click Next 
  5. Select a destination: an existing Transaction folder, or create a new folder 
  6. Once complete click “Done” 

The forms that you’ve added to the Transaction file can be edited and filled out as needed. Know that you can always add more documents and forms by clicking +Form in the Transaction file. 

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