How do I schedule a Showing for an active property in Remine?
The following steps outline how to schedule a showing for an active property.
- Open the Property Details page for an active listing where you want to schedule a showing with ShowingTime.
- If the listing agent has configured ShowingTime for the property:
- You'll check Schedule Tour on the left-hand side of the Property Details page.
ShowingTime opens in a new browser tab, where you can schedule a showing for the property.
If the listing agent has not configured ShowingTime for the property:
- In the Listing Details section, click
You'll be taken to the Chat page with a new message window. Here you can send the agent a message to request a showing. If the agent hasn't registered their Remine account, they'll still receive an email notifying them of the message.
How do I share a property?
The following steps outline how to quickly share a property directly from the Property Details page.
1. Open the Property Details page that you want to share.
- Recipient's Email: Type one email for the person with whom you want to share the property.
- Message: Optionally, type a message to attach to the email.
2. On the left side of the Property Details page, underneath the property address and the Add to Cart button, click the Share button.
The Share This Property window appears, where you can specify where you want to send the property.
3. Configure the options and click Send or you can copy and paste the link provided at the bottom of the pop-up into the body of your message. Clicking send will generate and send an email to the address you typed in the Recipient's Email box immediately.
How do I print the Property Details Page?
The following steps outline how to print a client-facing PDF of the Property Details page:
1. Open the Property Details Page for the property of interest.
2. On the menu located to the left of the listing details, select Print.
The Print window appears, where you can customize your PDF:
- Public Records One-Page: This PDF contains only the Public Record information
- Agent Full: This PDF contains the entirety of the listing details for the property.
- Client Full: This PDF is client facing and removes any undisclosable property information, such as mortgage amounts.
- Print Images: If you select Yes, print images, the PDF will include any available listing photos.
- Name Your File: This is a box where you can type a name for the PDF. By default, the file name will be the property address.
3. After you customize your PDF, click the Print button. The PDF downloads automatically.
How do I create a CMA?
- To learn how to create a CMA 360, view our Remine CMA 360 article.
- If you're a Cloud CMA subscriber, view our Cloud CMA article to learn how to create a CMA.
What data is available?
For information on what data is available, check out the About Property Details article.
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