Getting Started I: Settings


The features outlined here are currently available to MLS' that are partnered with our Docs+ platform.


First thing's first: let’s have a quick look at your Settings! This is where you can create your signature and initial stamps, choose your time zone and manage how you want to be kept informed on the status of your documents. What you enter in your Profile will automatically populate in the forms you create in Remine Docs going forward. 

To watch a video tour of the Settings page, click here.

Let's take a look at the Settings page: 


  1. The 'Settings' page is accessed by clicking Settings in the left side menu. 
  2. Your Signing Email is the email address that's associated with your Remine account. It is also the email address that account-related notifications are sent to. 
  3. The Document Timezone dictates which time zone will be associated with all timestamps on documents you upload going forward. Learn more here.
  4.  You can create and update your Signature & Initials here. Know that editing your signature and initials will be applied to new signing sessions moving forward; it will not retroactively update previously signed documents.
  5. Your Alerts & Notification Preferences are largely pre-set and locked for now, but we'll be adding some more robust functionality here soon! For now, you can choose to opt in or out of email notifications for when the recipient (your client or cooperating party) has opened a document sharing email.  

That's it!  Click here to move forward to part 2: Form Library. 

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