Getting Started VI: People Panel


The features outlined here are currently available to MLS' that are partnered with our Docs+ platform.


The People panel is one of the most important features in Remine Docs+. It can make or break your transaction, so in this article our aim is to provide some direction on how to use the People panel to set yourself up for success.


Let's address a few broad functionality points before we get into the nuts and bolts of using the People panel.


  1. Thanks to Document Linking functionality, changes you make in the People panel in one document will be transferred to all other Smart Forms in the Transaction folder, barring none of the documents have been sent out for signature yet.
    1. This means that if you have 15 documents in a folder, you do not have to make repetitive changes in each of those 15 documents one at a time.
  2. Remine Docs+ is built for the real estate industry specifically, so we have built in some rules to help protect agents. One such rule applies to 'Representation'; you can read about this in more detail below.
  3. You will never have to manually add yourself to one of the Agent/Salesperson roles in the People panel. These are directly related to Representation settings; more information can be found below.


It is worth noting that a preview of the People panel details is visible in a light blue box at the top of every Document view. This allows you to confirm details without leaving the Document view, however edits cannot be made within this preview.

People Panel Preview.png

There are two ways to open the People panel, and both require that you first open a document in one of your Transaction folders. Once a document is opened, you are automatically in the defaulted 'Document' view. The available views are shown as tabs across the top middle of the page when viewing documents.


While in the Document view, you can either click the People tab at the top directly, or you can click the blue 'Edit People link in the light blue preview box of your People panel. Both of these will open the People panel.


Open People Panel.png


Once you open the People panel, you will see there are two sections: Representation Settings and Roles/People. Let's review each of these sections individually.


People Panel Sections.png


Representation Settings


The first section in the People panel is the Representation Settings. This is where you will configure which side(s) of the transaction you are representing.

Representation Settings.png

There are two parts to Representation:

  1. I am working with
    1. This is where you set who you are directly representing in the transaction. It is an option to represent both sides.
    2. This setting will automatically place you as the agent in the appropriate Agent role (Listing or Buyer or both).
    3. Because this automatically manages your contact placement, you DO NOT need to manually add a contact for yourself to either of the Agent roles. This will cause permission errors which you will need to contact to resolve. 
  2. I am providing support for
    1. This option allows you to signal that while you are not representing a party, you have permission to contact them directly for support through the Transaction (unrepresented parties).
    2. Note that if you add an Agent to the role opposite of your own, this option is no longer available to configure because that Agent provides necessary support and you have signaled to Remine that you are not permitted to contact that party directly.
    3. This option specifically provides the permission required to add an email address for sending documents directly to the party which you are not directly representing. See our article Unrepresented Parties for more details.




The second section in the People panel is the 'Roles' where you can add contacts for the Transaction. As mentioned above, you do not need to add a contact for yourself in either of the Agent roles, but it could be appropriate for you to add yourself to other roles.

Roles People.png

To add people to a role, simply click the appropriate Role field and type their full name then press Enter/Return. This will create a contact for them in the Role. You can then click their contact name or click the pencil icon next to their name to open their contact card and input further details (such as middle name, Legal Entity details, email address, etc.).
Contact Card People.png

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