Supported File Types and Previews



As far as uploads go, Remine Docs can take almost any file type you can throw at it, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they can all be read, displayed and edited in Remine Docs. Some file types, like standard PDFs, will upload and immediately be able to be displayed and edited. Others, like .doc, .xls or .png can't be displayed ("previewed") and edited straight away. They just need to be made into PDFs first. 

Once you've uploaded a doc, clicking on it will give you these options: 


  • Selecting Open in Remine Docs will create a PDF rendering of the file that can be marked up and signed, etc. The original file that you uploaded will remain unaffected. 
  • Selecting Download will save a copy of the original file to your computer/device 

Finally, there are some file types that cannot be rendered into a PDF: most commonly .zip files. These files can be uploaded and stored in Remine Docs, but cannot be opened or edited/signed. 

File types that can be displayed ("previewed") and edited upon upload: 

  • .pdf 

Supported file types that require a PDF rendering before being able to be displayed and edited: 

  • .doc 
  • .docx 
  • .ppt 
  • .pptx 
  • .xls 
  • .xlsx 
  • .csv 
  • .txt 
  • .jpg 
  • .jpeg 
  • .gif 
  • .png 


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