The features outlined here are currently available to MLS' that are partnered with our Docs+ platform.
One of the ways Remine Docs+ saves your agents time and helps prevent costly errors is by offering ‘Packages’: the ability to create collections of forms, forever at the ready to copy and use at a moment’s notice. Let’s say, for example, you need your agents to use the same handful of forms every time they represent the buyer of a freehold property. Docs+ allows you to create a ‘Package’ containing the forms needed to complete the transaction.
To create a package for your agents to use, follow these steps:
- Click ‘Packages’ in the left side menu
- Click 'More Groups'
- Open your brokerage package folder.
- Click the ‘Package’ icon at the top
Give your Package a title (in this instance I’m creating a document Package for my agents to use when representing the buyer of a freehold, so I’m calling it ‘Buyer - Freehold), and begin selecting standard forms from the form library:
Standard forms can be found under the ‘Forms’ tab. Know that you can also include any existing checklists by clicking the ‘Checklist’ tab and picking from there. Also, use the ‘Upload’ button to add any documents from your desktop if need be. Your selections will show in the ‘My Selections’ box as they’re picked. When you’ve got the forms, documents and checklists needed to round out your Package, click ‘Next’.
Each Smart Form allows you to ‘Customize’ it:
What this means is that you can fill any fields on these documents that you want pre-filled when your agents use them. Useful examples of this include adding the brokerage’s closing attorney in a ‘Closing Attorney’ field, or by adding your brokerage’s special stipulations to a form’s ‘Clause’ field. More on customizing document Packages here.
Once your package has been created and saved, a confirmation pop-up will appear letting you know that this package will be visible and available for your agent to use. Click ‘Continue’ to proceed:
Your agents will then find the Package in their own brokerage Packages folder, and can use it as a template for populating their Transaction folders going forward.
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