

The features outlined here are currently available to our Docs+ customers only.


Impersonation allows agents or members of the same office to assume the role of another agent in his/her Remine Pro account – subsequently, the access given to the impersonator applies to the Docs+ account as well. 

To enable impersonation: 

  • Click the Profile Settings button of the core Remine Pro web app and open the 'Impersonation Settings' section                                                                                                                                            mceclip1.png
  • Turn the 'Allow impersonation' switch on 
  • Search for - and add - other Remine users by their name                                                                        mceclip0.png

System rules prevent any users from outside of your office from being added as impersonators. 

Impersonators can be deleted (their access to your account revoked) from the same page by clicking the 'Delete' (trash can) icon next to the impersonator's name. 

As an impersonator, you can access your colleague's account by: 

  • Logging into your Remine account 
  • Opening the Profile Settings in the left side menu  
  • Selecting 'Switch Account' and selecting the agent whose account you have permission to impersonate                                                                                                                                 


Viewing the agent's Remine account, you can access their Docs from the left side menu by clicking 'Docs.'

As an impersonator, your own signature/initial stamp will be applied when signing rather than the agent whom you're impersonating. 

Because of this, we recommend checking the documents that you're signing to make sure that your name appears in applicable fields, rather than the agent whom you're impersonating. 

If you'd like to receive Docs emails for the agent you are impersonating, have the agent set up the impersonation as listed above. You'll then log into your own Remine account, open Profile Settings in the left side menu and below Impersonation, search for the user you are wanting to receive Docs emails for. This feature can be disabled by switching the button to off next to the Agents name.


Note: A broker/admin can impersonate an agent's account without needing permission from the agent 



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