Validate Your NRDS / FPID For GAR Forms (FMLS Agents Only)


The features described here are available to FMLS members only.

For security purposes, Remine requires all users to re-validate their NRDS/FPID with the new year to gain access to the lastest version of forms.

This can be done in your Docs+ settings: FMLS > Core Remine page > Docs+ > Settings.

From there, you should see where your ID is currently entered. Clicking 'change' will allow you to re-enter your number to be revalidated. When validated, you will see 'Expires: 12-31-2021' and will be able to preview GAR forms via the Form Library.  

Be sure to paste the id, then tab or click into the box so that the 'Confirm' button turns blue.

If your credentials cannot be validated via the Settings page, please check to make sure your NRDS/FPID number is paid up-to-date and accurate. Reach out to GAR for further support with your NRDS/FPID number. 




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