Multiple MLS Accounts using One Email Address, All in Same Parent Brokerage:
Previously, users who have more than one MLS ID with the same email address associated with those IDs under one parent brokerage would have consolidated accounts, meaning no matter which MLS ID they used to log in, they saw the same transaction documents/folders with each log in.
Going forward, users who have multiple MLS IDs will have multiple Docs accounts, each account being associated with each ID. For example, if a user has three MLS IDs that use the same email,, they will now have three Docs accounts, which they will be directed to based on which MLS account they logged into their SSO with.
An important thing to note is that if the user previously had multiple accounts, the documents will now be merged into the account the user accesses first after this change.
When receiving offers from other agents, users will now be prompted to preview the offer first and then log in via the MLS. The account selected will inherit the content of the received offer.
For example, if a user receives an offer for 123 Main St that should belong with MLS account B, when they open the email they receive, they will land on a preview of the content of that offer. From there, the user will be prompted to log in, the account they choose to log in with (in this case MLS account B), will claim the documents from that received offer.
It is important to note that if the user is logged into one MLS ID account but want the documents to reside in another of their accounts, they must log out, clear cookies and then open the link from the email to prompt them to log in to the correct account for the documents to reside in.
If for any reason, after this change, your previous content inadvertently ends up in a different account than is desired, please contact
Multiple MLS Accounts using One Email Address, Different Parent Brokerages:
In the past, users who have more than one MLS ID with the same email address associated with those IDs, but were under different parent brokerages would have separate accounts. Docs would separate activity based on whichever MLS account the user was logged into, meaning, a user would see different content based on which account they had logged in with.
Moving forward, just as with the scenario above, each MLS ID will now be attached to its own Docs account. Here again, the first account a user logs in with will inherit that content, but only from that specific Docs account.
Different from above, the previous Docs accounts were not consolidated. This means that content from only one office/Docs account will be carried forward. Content from the remaining Docs accounts will not be lost, but will not be visible to the user.
In most cases, one account has significantly more activity than the others, often times the others are empty. Upon first log in, users will want to log in with the account that has the most relevant and recent content. Should there be anything missing, the balance of the content can be recovered for the user as soon as possible by contacting
Going forward, documents made in their respective accounts will stay separated based on which MLS account a user logs in through, same as the above.
When receiving offers from other agents, users will now be prompted to preview the offer first and then log in via the MLS. The account selected will inherit the content of the received offer. Please reference the above scenario for additional information.
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