How can I delete a contact from the People panel permanently?
If you have attempted to delete a contact from the People panel, but it returns, it is likely it has not been deleted from every document in the Transaction folder. If a contact remains on any document in the folder, it will be automatically be linked when any new document is added. This can also link the contact to other Smart Forms in the folder as well. So in order to ensure a contact is deleted permanently, you will need to go through every document in your Transaction folder and ensure they are deleted.
Why am I not able to add an email address for some People in my Transaction?
The permission to add an email address is tied to the Representation Settings section at the top of the People panel. If you are only working with one side of a Transaction and not providing support for the other side, you will not have the option to add an email address for the other side of the Transaction; our system expects you to include a cooperating agent for the other side to send documents through.
Why am I not able to send documents to some People in my Transaction?
The permission to send documents directly is also tied to the Representation Settings section at the top of the People panel. If you are only working with one side of a Transaction and not providing support for the other side, you will not have the option to send documents directly to the other side of the Transaction; our system expects you to include a cooperating agent for the other side to send documents through.
Is there a way to set a client's signature for them before sending?
Yes! You can do this on that person's contact card in the People panel, but note you must be either representing or supporting that contact's side of the Transaction AND have input an email address for the option to be accessible. See the below screenshot for reference:
How does copying a Folder affect the People panel?
When a folder is copied, the entire People panel is copied as well. This means all people from the original folder will be present in the new folder in the same roles.
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